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CDAC "Love you then, Love you still" 2023

“At this moment, I reaffirm my vow of love to you: From this day on, we shall cherish each other. We shall support each other through thick and thin. We shall build our future together hand in hand.”

CDAC’s “Love You Then, Love You Still” event brought together 52 beneficiary families for a heartwarming occasion. Witnessed by their children, the married couples renewed their marriage vows and reaffirmed their lifelong commitment to each other. They also expressed gratitude for each other’s unwavering support and companionship throughout their marriage. As the vow was read, many couples were moved to tears and embraced their children.

Mr and Mrs Toh, who have been married for 19 years, attended the event with their children. It was a special opportunity for couples to recall and reflect on why they chose each other.

 Mr Lee and Mrs Lee also attended the event, together with their five kids. It was a reaffirmation of his love and devotion for his wife, Mr Lee said. He also expressed his wish for his eldest son to benefit from this experience and one day be able to enjoy a blissful marriage of his own.

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